- Are you the youngest child? 你是最小的吗?
- Are you the occupant of this house? 你是不是住在这所房子里的?
- Are you the oldest child in your family? 你是家中最大的孩子吗?
- The first prize went to the youngest child in the class. 一等奖授予了班里年龄最小的学生。
- I am the youngest child in my family. 我是家里最小的孩子。
- The youngest children are in the first form, the oldest in the sixth form. 最小的儿童上一年级,最大的上六年级。
- Are you the child will be an inventor ? 你能肯定这孩子将来能成为发明家吗?
- She was much kinder to the youngest child than she was to the others, which, of course, made the others jealous. 她对最小的孩子比对其他的孩子好得多,这当然使其他孩子妒忌。
- Are you the driver of this vehicle? 你是这辆汽车的驾驶员吗?
- Are you the young man who called every day to ask after me all the time I was ill,and would never leave his name? 据说在我生病的时候,有一个青年每天都来打听我的病情,但一直不愿留下姓名,这个年轻人难道就是您吗?
- Shi Ke says uncannily: "Are you the child's father? 史克惊异地说:“你难道不是孩子的父亲?”
- Are You The One. Back to the Ice Age. 诡异的曲式带我们回到史前的冰河时期,。
- The youngest IT Project Manager could be you! 最年轻的IT项目经理可能就是你!
- Are you the Mgr. Or the foreman of the xxx corp. 你是xxx公司得经理或者厂长吗?
- Are you the devotee or the object of devotion? 你是奉爱者还是奉爱的对象?
- Amy's Aunt: Are you the head thug? 阿美的姨娘:你是贼头子不是?
- Are you the man who runs this shop? 你就是开这家商店的人吗?
- The younger child lay sweetly asleep. 那个小一点的孩子睡得很香。
- Are you the man who stole my toothpaste ? 你是那个偷我牙膏的人吗?
- The young child memorized the poem word for word. 那个小孩一字不差地背了那首诗。